Celebrating 29 Years of Preservation!
Are you a Non-Profit?
Yes, we are still registered as a not-for-profit. We chose this name as we feel it best represents our interests moving forward.
Are you part of the NRHS?
Yes! We are still the Twin Forks chapter of the NRHS, however we are allowed to operate under a different name. There are many chapters that do this as well such as the New Hope Valley Railway, which operates excursions in NC.
How can I help?
Help is greatly appreciated through financial donations of any amount, or coming down to the yard during work sessions and lending a hand!
Why the Rebrand?
There are a few reasons why we've decided to rebrand. For one, we are located right next to a Railroad Museum. To try to compete with an existing museum as a historical society is a poor model for operation. We needed something to set us apart, while still being a sustainable business model. Our new model is based on performing restoration work - on rail cars, but also railroad artifacts and other items that we have the skill sets for. We will lease these cars to fund future restorations.
What's your focus?
The preservation and restoration of railroad related equipment, wether it be signals, maps, or railcars themselves.
How do I become a member?
At the bottom of the page is a donation button. A donation of 5 dollars a month, or 20 dollars per year enrolls you as a member of the chapter. This small fee helps us put on work sessions and take care of our equipment.
When are work sessions?
Starting in February 2025, work sessions take place in Riverhead Yard every third Sunday of the month. Work Sessions starts at 10am.